Donovan's Mood! WHOO!!

A Word From Atop The Soapbox
J'aime la toilette

Japanese Engrish of the Week
A warehouse in Japan: WEAR HOUSE; SEXY CRAMP

Anger Management. Rantings and Ravings of an Otaku Gamer from the great white north with too much free time and not enough ways to use it.

Donovan William MacLure AKA. Warrior of the Powerful Dragon (I absolutely love the meaning behind names) AKA. Ryouri Kenkaku

Born March 28th 1985

I'm 18 friggin' years old and in grade 12! LET'S GO VOTE!

This place let's me get away when I need to be angry and let's me be happy when I need to do that. It's dual purpose! While you think this place will be interesting it will end up being about the following:

Games. I love gaming, it's part of what I do. How can you deny video games as an art form when people spent countless hours making them beautiful and giving the most gripping stories you've ever taken part in. That's right, you take part in the story. Better than a book. Gimme a better story than the Chrono Trigger series. Try it.

But books are great, I'll read most anything as long as it's long enough to really get me in. Fan abuse? You better believe I'll drop your book if you fill it with fan abuse. Table top books and games fit into this category. What can I say, I love playing my own character.

Where gaming is what I do, anime is what I breathe. Nothing beats it. Name something else that captures your emotion like Kare Kano, something that twists your perception like Neon Genesis Evangelion, a movie more gripping that Gin-Roh, characters more lovable than those from Fushigi Yuugi, action more intense than that found in Rurouni Kenshin, or anything more chaotically hilarious than Excel Saga.

Then there's Rae. My life and my love. When I'm sad I think of her. When I'm happy I think of her. She's my one and only and I wouldn't have it any other way.

This is too much for a sidebar, but remember this layout was made by my love mentioned above, Rae, from this website, hosted by Tripod and of course powered by Blogger.

Other Blogs
Arctic Apocalypse
Color Me Stupid
Emotion Sickness
Inutile Prolation
My Monkey Wears A Pad
Pants? Optional
Eskimo Bob
Nation States
Phantasy Star WPG Guild
Rae-chan's Forum O' Happiness
The Ooblie Brothers
Penny Arcade

Monday, May 13

My (and some of my friends) theory of time travel.

Alright. Taking a logical and theoretical look at things, it is possible to travel backwards through time. Many scientists have suggested this. If an object can travel at an incredible incredible speed, it would slowly move itself back into time.

However time travel into the future is absolutely impossible, as there are no physical means of slowing anything down beyond the point of regular stillness. (ex: a glass sitting on your desk is regular stillness)

Now, though it would be possible for one to travel back in time, it would also be impossible. As per the fact that even traveling back in time would disrupt events in the past, therefore rendering the actions which led to the time travel as different actions, not identical. The same set of circumstances would not occur, thus you would have never travelled backwards in time in the first place.

The flow of time would either disallow it completely and people would just for whatever reason, whenever they came close to time travel, abruptly lose their findings, or collapse onto intself, thus seperating time into two streams and/or tearing it apart, essentially destroying reality because the constraints of time would disappear.

My mind does scary things when it wanders o_o;; But it's true oo

Been awake since 7:57:37 PM

Ok. Ready? You like to chase the novel and complex. You have faith in your ability to overcome any challenges you face...highly independent...value adaptability and encourage and value change...

You need freedom for resist hierarchy and push against all odds to further your projects with your entrepreneurial can argue and find the flaws in any position...

How'm I doing so far? You rarely accept things just as they like to test new meanings and relationships..when you don't get what you want, you use your cleverness and ingenuity to bring people around to your point of view...when you choose a career, you tend to set flexible goals that allow you to incorporate new information and accommodate to new circumstances...

"Keep your options open" is your middle name... you like to explore the "road not taken." Your flexibility can look like indecision to others who don't have a clue about take advantage of realize potential of many things because of your ability to see connections and relationships between SEEMINGLY unrelated cannot be ordered around, but rather handle things best when they are *suggestions* posting more on the Storm Palace BBS you love excitement...

Competence is key to you.. you don't take advice or respect someone you don't see as want work to be're a relentless learner. Knowledge is important to use your enthusiasm to get others involved in your learn through give-and-take discussions and by questioning and challenging like challenging your teachers and colleagues...limitations are mere challenges to take initiative, and once the ball is rolling, you like to turn it over to someone else...

You like to organize logically and strategically....your work space might not LOOK organized, but underneath it all is a system that works for you. You like to have an need a job that allows you to be innovative. you like to take risks and open calendar for the weekend is really're often "in on the latest things..." like travel, 'cause it allows you to open up new vistas and horizons (corny, huh?).

Falling in love happens when there's a good "fit" with another often know after the first meeting whether there's any "real potential"... you may not like to commit until that right person comes along...therefore you probably won't settle down don't like to lose at ANYthing you're a born enterpriser...

Things to be on guard for: you have a great fear of looking dumb or incomp- may tend to think you have the perfect solutions for problems, and may become competitive when others challenge you... you might start to think that you're the only one who's in on the truth of things, so you might not like to listen to the input of may have the tendency to overextend yourself as you jump in on lots of ideas without considering how long it takes to work 'em through... commit to too many projects? are a rebel.. you find it difficult to accept standard operating procedures.. and hate HAVING to follow exact rules or policies...learn to work within the system.

These are results of something o-o Yeah, you heard me

Been awake since 7:48:41 PM

Top Ten Things You Don't Want To Hear In A Cab

10. "My brakes are shot, so when you get to your block just jump out"
9. "Why so shy, cowboy? Plenty of room up here"
8. "There's something wrong with the exhaust, so try not to breathe"
7. "Watch this guy's expression when I ram into his car"
6. "Damn, without my glasses I'm blind as a bat"
5. "Lemme see if I can drive with my mouth"
4. "Is your name Rick? The voices in my head are telling me to kill a guy named Rick"
3. "Guess who's in the trunk?"
2. "If I turn around and you don't have that seat belt on, so help me I'll punch a hole in you"
1. "Next stop -- Khandahar!"

I am just loving these

Been awake since 7:40:25 PM