Donovan's Mood! WHOO!!

A Word From Atop The Soapbox
J'aime la toilette

Japanese Engrish of the Week
A warehouse in Japan: WEAR HOUSE; SEXY CRAMP

Anger Management. Rantings and Ravings of an Otaku Gamer from the great white north with too much free time and not enough ways to use it.

Donovan William MacLure AKA. Warrior of the Powerful Dragon (I absolutely love the meaning behind names) AKA. Ryouri Kenkaku

Born March 28th 1985

I'm 18 friggin' years old and in grade 12! LET'S GO VOTE!

This place let's me get away when I need to be angry and let's me be happy when I need to do that. It's dual purpose! While you think this place will be interesting it will end up being about the following:

Games. I love gaming, it's part of what I do. How can you deny video games as an art form when people spent countless hours making them beautiful and giving the most gripping stories you've ever taken part in. That's right, you take part in the story. Better than a book. Gimme a better story than the Chrono Trigger series. Try it.

But books are great, I'll read most anything as long as it's long enough to really get me in. Fan abuse? You better believe I'll drop your book if you fill it with fan abuse. Table top books and games fit into this category. What can I say, I love playing my own character.

Where gaming is what I do, anime is what I breathe. Nothing beats it. Name something else that captures your emotion like Kare Kano, something that twists your perception like Neon Genesis Evangelion, a movie more gripping that Gin-Roh, characters more lovable than those from Fushigi Yuugi, action more intense than that found in Rurouni Kenshin, or anything more chaotically hilarious than Excel Saga.

Then there's Rae. My life and my love. When I'm sad I think of her. When I'm happy I think of her. She's my one and only and I wouldn't have it any other way.

This is too much for a sidebar, but remember this layout was made by my love mentioned above, Rae, from this website, hosted by Tripod and of course powered by Blogger.

Other Blogs
Arctic Apocalypse
Color Me Stupid
Emotion Sickness
Inutile Prolation
My Monkey Wears A Pad
Pants? Optional
Eskimo Bob
Nation States
Phantasy Star WPG Guild
Rae-chan's Forum O' Happiness
The Ooblie Brothers
Penny Arcade

Tuesday, January 1

Repurcussions of Last night XD

Ryouri Kenkaku: You ¬¬ You stole my Rae-chan at midnight
BrokenDragon16: XD
Ryouri Kenkaku: ¬¬ not a lauging matter
BrokenDragon16: Yes it is...
Ryouri Kenkaku: ;-; nu
Ryouri Kenkaku: And your crazy strip show ¬¬ you're gonna make Rae-chan turn her back on men completely
Ryouri Kenkaku: Seducing her like that ¬¬
BrokenDragon16: XD
Ryouri Kenkaku: ¬¬
BrokenDragon16: hey...she striped too...=P
Ryouri Kenkaku: No no, YOU stripped her >_>
BrokenDragon16: How in hell do you now all of this?
Ryouri Kenkaku: Rae-chan posted it in her blog
BrokenDragon16: XD
Ryouri Kenkaku: ;-;
BrokenDragon16: She's still yours...
Ryouri Kenkaku: ;-; I wish. She's yours now. ._.
BrokenDragon16: No she's not...o.o=
Ryouri Kenkaku: Treat her well... *pat pat sniff*
BrokenDragon16: She's yours....
Ryouri Kenkaku: But you kissed her, it's like, the law
BrokenDragon16: like totally. XD
Ryouri Kenkaku: *sighs* Now play nice with here o_o no wild strip fests like last night... ;-; I'll... I'll miss her.... *sniff*
BrokenDragon16: XD
Ryouri Kenkaku: *sniffle sniffle*
BrokenDragon16: *hands him rae* o.o=
Ryouri Kenkaku: *blinks* But she's yours now oo you kissed her at midnight
Ryouri Kenkaku: O_O Wait! I'll get you! XD
Ryouri Kenkaku: It's the first person you kiss after midnight right??
BrokenDragon16: Yep.
Ryouri Kenkaku: And it's still After midnight, I mean it's afternoon but still! O_O
BrokenDragon16: True...

Ryouri Kenkaku: O_O Don't ask questions! *kiss*
PSapphire19: x.x;; what the fuck?
Ryouri Kenkaku: HA HA! XD You're mine! XD
PSapphire19: No
Ryouri Kenkaku: Yup! you're the first person I kissed since new years, You're MINE! XD
PSapphire19: fuck you

BrokenDragon16: XD XD XD
Ryouri Kenkaku: I WIN! Now you'll have to trade me!
BrokenDragon16: You can keep him. XD
Ryouri Kenkaku: O.O NO! TRADE ME!
BrokenDragon16: nope.
Ryouri Kenkaku: Trade me 2 ¬¬
BrokenDragon16: Nope. You can have him. =P
Ryouri Kenkaku: ;-; nuuuuuuu
BrokenDragon16: XD

Ryouri Kenkaku: You warned me o_o what the hell
PSapphire19: I ain't yours
Ryouri Kenkaku: Yup yup YUP! XD
PSapphire19: no no no
Ryouri Kenkaku: STop warning me o_o
PSapphire19: no
Ryouri Kenkaku: Yes you moron o_o you're mine, do as I say
PSapphire19: fuck off
Ryouri Kenkaku: Ohhh! Feisty!
Ryouri Kenkaku: I'm feisty too ~.^
PSapphire19 signed off at 3:22:24 AM.

Ryouri Kenkaku: ~_~ I don't want him. He keeps warning me
BrokenDragon16: Warn him then XD
Ryouri Kenkaku: he blocked me XD
BrokenDragon16: I think he left XD
Ryouri Kenkaku: XD
Ryouri Kenkaku: Now gimme Rae-chan oo
BrokenDragon16: Nope.
Ryouri Kenkaku: ¬¬ gimme Rae-chan... *grabs Draco from nowhaere and holds a palm full of fire up to his face* Or the wizard gets it ¬¬
BrokenDragon16: No! Draco!!
Ryouri Kenkaku: ¬¬ gimme Rae-chan
BrokenDragon16: Give me Draco first.
Ryouri Kenkaku: No, I don't trust you. You're evil >.>
BrokenDragon16: You want give me Draco.
Ryouri Kenkaku: Alright... you hold out Rae-chan and I'll hold out Craco...
Ryouri Kenkaku: *Draco
BrokenDragon16: Craco XD
Ryouri Kenkaku: XD
BrokenDragon16: Alright, but you have to keep Sapphire. =P
Ryouri Kenkaku: Ok o.o I like him, he's feisty
BrokenDragon16: XD
Ryouri Kenkaku: *steals Rae-chan and tosses you Draco* ha ha!
BrokenDragon16: *huggles Draco*
Ryouri Kenkaku: ^________^ I win ^_^v *huggles Rae-chan*
Ryouri Kenkaku: And the univers is as it should be
BrokenDragon16: I have my Draco. You have Rae and Sapphire. ^^=
Ryouri Kenkaku: And I wouldn't have it any other way XD
BrokenDragon16: XD

Been awake since 3:22:14 PM

Monday, December 31

SHAT! >_<

I have to get off the ocmp for the rest of the night. How much more SCREWED can I get!? I..... F..... bn.... gr.... AAAA! x-x;;;

This means I'l miss Amber and Amber and Laurie and Sapphire and Esha and Rae-chan ;-;

And I feel HORRIBLE about this because I should be here for Rae >_< FUGAHRADUGAHRAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! >_<

x_x;;; see ya'll next year

Been awake since 5:30:12 PM


I want a goddamn dance pad! ARGH! I can't find one ANYWHERE in WInnipeg and it's pissing me off! It's like they don't exist! I have to get my uncle in VANCOUVER you get me a couple!? Do you have any idea how expensive it's gonna be?? AAAARRGH! I mean, I've been playing it with my controller but it's not the same! I wanna jump to the beat baby! That's what it's for Fool! I should be messing around, jumpin up and down, feelin' the groove and slammin to the beat, yo'! GODAMMIT!

And I wanna go to Erin's new years party NOW! >_< GRAH!

Been awake since 5:08:29 PM

Sunday, December 30

Oh! It works! Sweet!

I got into town last night and no one was online ;-;

I was on earlier and no one was on ;-;

I'm on now and no one is on ;-;

You damn people need to get on late and early! *shake shake*

Rae-chan I was so hoping to see you ;-; I intended on surprising you and calling you christmas morning... but I left the number at home ._.

Not that I don't want to see the rest of you ;-;

I needa change my imood. I'm sad. ;-;

Stupid messing up comp. ;-;

Been awake since 12:21:26 AM

oO; ...?

Been awake since 12:14:44 AM